Tuesday, September 2, 2008

As promised...

There it is--hand-stitched binding, done by yours truly on a quilted tablerunner. Woohoo. Below is a closeup of one of the "feathers" which I think turned out fairly well. Note: when using Ricky Tims' watersoluble thread marking method for the first time, do not quilt with white thread. Very very hard to see .
Not too shabby eh? Below is my project from the Piecelique class I took from Sharon Schamber. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot. I'm going to quilt this bad boy next. Think of the embellishing possibilities!!!!! Glitter and Angelina and threads, Oh My!

The Christmas/wintry number below is from French Braid Quilts. Man are those addictive. This one was a joint effort: I chose colors, Karen and I both cut, I made two braids, she made two and connected them and Vicky did borders. Yay teamwork! I'm going to quilt it (honestly!) and someone will hopefully be merciful enough to bind it for me.

And last, but not least, I'm sure some of you haven't forgotten the Giant Dahlia of old. Well, I'm finally marking and cutting to set in the circle...tonight's project. I folded and crisply ironed my background and my dahlia into eighths and measured my dahlia. It's 53" wide (that's an average--I'm not good enough to have it be 53" everywhere)...So, I'll be cutting my circle a whole INCH smaller. Why? Because when you lose your quarter inch seam, the opening gets bigger and the center gets smaller, hence the inch instead of the half inch you normally adjust things for seam allowance.
That's all folks! Happy quilting! Sign up for retreat now, October 3rd-6th! We have five spots left! 406.932.6078

1 comment:

WishingKristen said...

Oh my ... I love it!!! The fabric is amazing!