Friday, August 29, 2008


Well, many of you may not believe this, but I actually finished something. Finished finished. Binding finished. I know! I'm amazed too. I was writing my newsletter a couple weeks ago and my goal this fall was to help people finish their projects, and I'll be damned if I didn't inspire myself. I haven't taken a picture yet because it's currently soaking. I used water-soluble thread to mark it for quilting (I even did feather quilting :) and I thought just a quick spray would take it out, but that just made it shrivel up, so the center of my poor runner was all scrumpled. I'm soaking it as we speak to get the marking out. Pictures will follow on Tuesday as I'm very proud of my bad bindin' self.
I'm off to take a class with Sharon Schamber (if you don't know her, look her up, she's amazing) tomorrow, so that should be exciting if my back ever stops having the fit it's having.
Happy quilting!

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