Friday, October 24, 2008

Studio rearranging

Hello dear quilters, sorry I didn't post on Tuesday. I went up to Billings to present at a high school career fair that they told me was Tuesday, but alas, it was Wednesday. So I did my errands in Billings and drove down again on Wednesday only to have to rush back to Livingston that afternoon. Anyway, I'm sick of driving.
In my evenings, I was busily completely rearranging my studio. I've been having terrible back and neck troubles and sewing has become agony for me, so I'm trying to improve the ergonomics and work-flow of my studio. I spend a lot of hours there, and I'd rather if they were a little less painful. Needless to say, I haven't done any sewing since I've been dragging furniture to and fro, trying to find a reasonable way to store my stash that doesn't involve 60 lb tubs of fabric. I find often that the task of pulling out that tub and digging into its depths instantly kills my motivation for a project. I practically need scuba gear to get to the bottom of my stash.
So I've been relocating all my fabric to smaller compartments and moving my notions, stabilizers, and other random crap to shelves and what not to open up my smaller spaces for fabric.
Tuesday I should have pictures of the new improved, now with work triangle, studio.
Happy weekend quilting!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

good luck with the ergonomic re-do. Before I re-did my office space I wouldn't be able to knit for weeks during the school term b/c the typing took such a toll on my writs and neck. That being said, since I got everything at the right height and length I can knit happily most days.

I'll also ask a friend if she has any suggestions. She is becoming a professional crafter (fabric sculptures), and spends a lot of time at her sewing machine.