Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Like a quilt top factory.

I finished another top this weekend, and it was kind of a challenge for me because it was flannel, and I so rarely sew with flannel. I was inspired by Valori Wells' Urban Flannel because the critters are so stinkin' cute.
I should've taken a picture before I put up my window display, but I didn't, so here you go. The pattern I used was actually, amusingly, from a book called Batik Gems, but it was perfect for a larger print with lots of coordinates.
Anyway, I'm going to put the tie-dyed pink minkee in the window on the back and fussy cut an elephant for a label...Someday...when it gets quilted. Which, at the rate I'm going, could be when I'm 75.
Happy quilting!

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