Friday, November 7, 2008


Well, I had time to quilt another of my quilts which is so much more fun than quilting someone else's quilt. I've had lots of people renting and learning to do their own, and for those of you who haven't done so, I hope you will. I'm trying to work toward everyone quilting their own rather than quilting any myself. I'll have a heart attack at 30 at the stress rate I'm going.
Anyway enough complaining, here's the pictures:
I did loopdeloos and spider webs all over this quilt with a heavy variegated yellow thread. It was quite fun to do the spider webs. I did them really fast, so they're a little sloppy, but to be honest, I like them that way...maybe they look more natural that way. Anyway, here's one that shows up less because it's not on the brown border:

I've also been busily cutting out lots of tiny pieces for my polar bear quilt, but the good news is that while it won't be done on Tuesday, I'll definitely have pictures.
Happy quilting!

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