Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Georgin' it...

I've been working on a quilt for my friend's wedding (which was an unnamed number of years ago...) The top has been finished for over a year, I just haven't had a chance to quilt it. So finally I decided that I would do it on George instead of the longarm because I like freemotion and I don't get to do it as often as I'd like.
So...I chose a rather dense pattern without realizing it. I'm doing swirls, but almost every single element gets retraced, so it's like quilting the whole thing twice. I have little flowers scattered throughout too. I'm about one third done, so it'll still be a while, but here it is.
The swirls (done, shockingly with Brytes).
The flowers. You can sort of see that the fabric is all pretty floral. It's a jelly roll quilt done with Moda's Wildflower line that came out last spring, I think.
Happy to be getting some quilting done, however little.
Happy quilting!

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